Jumat, 03 April 2015

Bahasa Inggris 2

1. Find the definition of subject, verb, object and complement ?
·         Subject            : Subject is a word in sentence that represent something
·         Verb                : Verb is a word in sentence that represent an action
·         Object             : Object is an entity that is acted upon by the subject
·         Complement    : Complement is a word to complete the meaning of subject, object, or verb.

   Make 5 sentence and determine those 4 elements !

   a)      My brother (s) called (v) his girl friend (o) a beauty (c)
   b)      He (s) bougth (v) some glass (o) yesterday (c)
   c)      I (s) went (v) to school (o) this morning (c)
   d)     My father (s) watched (v) a movie (o) in the cinema (c)
   e)      My ucle (s) teached (v) his daughter (o) a math (c)

2. Find the teory of subject- verb agreement !

·         If the subject is plural, the verb must be prulal too
·         If the subject is singular, the verb must be singular too
·         If that when using 2 subject or more and also connected with word ‘and’.

Example :
a)      We were reading the book
b)      I dont like seafood
c)      Those doll are very big
d)     The man has married his girl friend
e)      My father  was working

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